Friday, April 22, 2016

Lego Discovery Land, Easter, Alice's Birthday

During my March break from Milton, the boys continued going to school.  I had a highly productive and enjoyable two weeks.  I got so much done and it felt so good.  I did keep the boys home one day for us to have an adventure.  I took them to Medford to the Lego Discovery Center at Assembly Square.  They loved the Lego place.  They keep asking to go back, this time with Papa, so that they can show him all the Legos.  There was a big indoor playground that they especially liked!  After playing with Legos, we had dinner at the Burger Dive there.  They were the best hamburgers and fries I've had in a long time--I keep dreaming about them.  It's worth the drive up to Medford through traffic just for one of those burgers...

This is one of my favorite pictures ever.  We took it in honor of Papa.

The boys loved the Lego Boston set up.  You could push buttons to play sounds and make things move.

I love Sebastian's pose.  Crazy kid.

 My phone's storage is almost full, so I hardly ever take pictures anymore with it.  Which means I never have anything to put on the blog.  I didn't take any family pictures at Easter, which was a mistake.  We had brunch at our house.  Auntie Mimi got sick and couldn't come--we missed her.

As usual, the Easter Bunny was very generous to our boys.  They got coloring books and crayons, a fire truck Lego set and some smaller Lego sets, a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory DVD (Gene Wilder, not Johnny Dep), gardening gloves, some chocolate, and some books.

Alice's first birthday was a blast--it was at an indoor gym.  The boys have been to these parties before, but this was the first time they really enjoyed all the equipment.  They are finally big enough to appreciate it.

 Random last picture:  Sebastian loves to play guitar.  I asked him if he wants to take lessons when he's bigger and he said, "No mama! I already know how to play!"  Duh, Mama!

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