Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's about time to write a blog entry that has more substance to it.  I've been lazy (busy, actually) and haven't written much lately about what's going on.  This was supposed to be my record of their milestones, etc., and I haven't been writing it all down.  They are due to wake up for a nap any minute now, though, so I'll see what I can actually get down...

We've been trying to get to the bottom of Sebastian's fussiness.  He's just so fussy when he eats lately.  He cries when you put the bottle in, cries when you take it out, screams because he's hungry but then doesn't eat....he drools a lot and has his hands in his mouth all the time.  I don't know what the problem is, but I was thinking either he's teething, he has an ear infection, or it's reflux and/or a formula allergy.  Our visit to the pediatrician wasn't very helpful.  Sebastian doesn't have an ear infection, but the doctor suggested cleaning out Sebastian's ears with Colace syrup!  Who would have thought that a stool softener could be used in someone's ears to dissolve wax!  So I did that.  It didn't seem to help a whole lot.  We put him on Zantac and Maalox as well, to see if it's reflux. Unfortunately, the pediatrician prescribed pretty much the maximum dose of Zantac for his weight--without even knowing if it would work.  I thought the dose seemed high, so I actually asked the pharmacist when I picked up the medicine.  She said it wouldn't be an overdose, but that it was very high for it being his first time on Zantac.  This isn't the first time the pediatrician has given me dosage advice that was either wrong or just not in keeping with my philosophy.  Why not start him off on a low-ish dose instead of charging full throttle ahead?  I ended up just doing my own thing...instead of giving him 1.5MLs 3X a day, I'm giving him 1.5ML 2x a day.  It does seem to be working, although he's still fussier than normal.  But at least now he's eating again.  It had gotten to the point that he was in such pain he was barely taking his bottle.  And that's UNUSUAL for Sebastian!

I've decided to switch pediatricians.  The small practice the boys are at right now is just not convenient. The doctor never answers during his call-in hours because he's too busy I guess.  I don't like that I got wrong dosage information for Vitamin D a few months ago, and the Zantac dosage was the last straw.  He's always so rushed I don't trust him anymore.  I don't feel confident in his advice or diagnosis.  I've just made the 6th month appointment for the boys with a place in Weston recommended by both my friend Michelle and our friend Adriano.  Hopefully that will go better.  They have urgent care appointments on weekends and holidays, too, although I hope we won't need them!

Adrian has been eating like a little piggy lately too.  If he keeps this up, he might regain his position as the big brother.  Both boys are on a faster flow nipple now, and that makes such a difference.  They finish eating in 20 minutes now instead of the 45 it was taking before.  But they are also super gassy after eating now!  They burp so loud it's unbelievable!

The boys have been having fun with their "new" exersaucer!  They are still a bit too small to fit in it, but thanks to the Hug-a-baby thingy from Michelle, I can still put them in there from time to time.  They have figured out that if they pull on the flowers or push the buttons at the "pond," music will play.  Adrian hops up and down in it so much he can turn himself around in it.

The other new thing is the bumbo chair.  The boys seem to have mixed feelings about it.  Sometimes they are happy to go in it, and other times not so much.

Notice how he's holding the rattle!

He's figured out the rattle makes NOISE if he moves it! 

It's useful to have something to put one baby in while I'm holding the other that doesn't involve them putting pressure on their heads.  They are both getting flat spots, despite my best efforts to avoid it!  I have them on their bellies and off their heads as much as possible, but it's hard with two!  I've tried everything...Sebastian just only likes to turn his head to one side!  I have to go in after he's asleep and turn his head the other direction.  But if I go back in a few minutes later, he's already turned it back to his favorite (flat!) side.  Goodness.  Hopefully they will be sitting up on their own very soon...

We took another visit to visit Nana last week.  We had a great time.  Nana always makes us a delicious lunch, too.

Nana with Adrian

I think they look a lot alike here....And funny how their positions are mirror images of each other.  I love this picture!  
And, as usual, just some random shots of the boys!

With their new sunglasses for when we take walks. 

Adrian LOVES his sunglasses, and we knew the flirt would!

Adrian can't figure out if it's more fun to look at himself in the mirror....

or look at the camera!



Using their sunglasses for the first time.  Adrian's hands and face are so funny!



1 comment:

Jonah and Aja said...

So adorable! Hope you figure out the fussiness cause soon, although most of the time it just goes away and you never know why. I always blame the future possibility of a tooth maybe coming in. Babies. It makes you half wish they could talk, and half glad they can't.
Nice work with those gorgeous boys. I love five months... it just keeps getting more and more fun.