I was actually pissed after I picked the boys up on Thursday. I had written a positive entry in the blog about the day because I was happy with what I saw on the cameras. However, when I went to pick the boys up, the teachers were really harping on the fact that I had not yet introduced solid foods to the boys. They acted really surprised and really weren't that nice about it. They judged instead of trying to understand WHY I hadn't done it yet. And, frankly, I was taken aback. I didn't EXPECT to have to justify a decision that I had made as the mother (with doctors and early intervention) to the daycare providers. Especially after they'd only spent a total of about 8 hours with my boys! So I didn't really defend myself or my decision the way I should have. I left feeling terrible and like a bad mother.
But, my friend Michelle once again came to my rescue and made me feel better. Honestly, all the current research seems to show that waiting until 6 months to start solids is better. It helps prevent allergies and obesity. And even if you don't buy into it, it can't hurt to wait if there MIGHT be negative consequences, right? Also, early intervention was on board with my decision to wait. The boys cannot sit up unassisted yet. Lastly, the GI doctors that we are working with were also ok with my not having introduced solids yet. In fact, I have in writing from one of the GI doctors that I might want to wait until 5 months corrected, which would be 7 months actual. Friday when I went in, I talked to the teacher who had made me feel badly. I said I wanted to let her know why I'd held off (and explained the above reasons) and also reminded her that they are PREEMIES and were born 2 months early. She seemed not to have known (or remembered) that, and was apologetic.
I did start giving them some rice cereal on Friday, and I gave them bananas yesterday. They do ok. Not great, but they do manage to actually get some of it in their mouths. Ironically, Adrian is the better eater/swallower! Those 2 months in the NICU "maturing" must have served their purpose! ;)
Yesterday, Carlos, the boys, and I went to see Nana at her house. My mom and my two aunts and cousin Christian also went. We had a very nice day--it was so nice to spend time with everyone. Nana made a feast for us....I will miss my weekday trips up to her house when I go back to work, but I guess I'll have to do them on the weekend and include Carlos too from now on!
I can't believe I go back to work Friday...I still can't really get my head around it. It will be nice to have an income again! But it just feels like it's been so long since I had somewhere to go everyday! I do have to admit that I think it will be nice to have some of my old life back again. I miss adult company, and it really is HARD being alone with the boys at this age! I run out of things to do with them! But I will miss them like crazy when I'm NOT with them...
We are 6 months today!!! |
Look at my biceps! |
Priceless. Yes, that IS his middle finger! |
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