Friday, May 11, 2012


1. Adrian sucks two fingers and sometimes covers it up with his other hand--Carlos did the SAME thing until just a few months ago.

2.  Adrian rolls over from tummy to back with regularity now.  He's also figured out how to balance himself so that he can stay on his side.  Sebastian can roll but hasn't done it lately???

3. Adrian now rivals Sebastian with his belly laughs.

4. Both boys respond to peek-a-boo with giggles and smiles.

5. Sebastian seems to be teething...

6. Both boys are increasingly strong.  Sebastian can lift himself to his feet from a sitting position if you just grab his hands and steady him.  He LOVES to stand with support.  If I didn't have to balance him, he'd have the strength to support his weight on his own.

7.  Sebastian does very well in the Bumbo chair.  Adrian still tends to slouch with the weight of his big head.  We have to work on those core muscles so he can show off his 6-pack at the beach this summer.

8. Both boys are increasingly interested in watching our mouths when we talk.  They love when I go through the alphabet babababa, cacacaca, dadadada, fafafafa....

9.  They love looking at each other and often try to "talk" to one another.  They've yet to have a conversation back and forth, though.  It's usually one talking to the other while the other listens.  Sebastian in particular gets really into it and babbles with a lot of expression and conviction!

10. Both Adrian and Sebastian will take things within reach and put them in their mouth.  They also grab necklaces, collars, shirts, HAIR, and anything else they can get their hands on. Ouch!

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