I can't believe the progress I've seen in both boys in just the past week. They are both using their hands to grab things all the time now, and they do it with skill. Sebastian will grab the Lamaze toys and pick them up, move them around, and even try to put them in his mouth. Adrian also does the same, and is even a bit more precise about it at this point. Adrian also discovered that he has feet, and he likes to play with his toes. It's quite amusing to watch...
Adrian with Huey the Hedgehog |
Sebastian with Huey |
Adrian with Olivia the Owl |
I don't remember what this creature's name is! |
Play time! |
Sebastian with Papi |
I'm freaked out right now about Sebastian because he's suddenly become very fussy, and he's not eating as much as he used to. He was consistently eating 7-8oz at each feeding during the day, and now I'm lucky if I can get him to eat 6 or 7. He had a cold for a long time (almost a month he was congested!), and while he was stuffed up he ate a bit less. I figured this was normal since he was having a hard time sucking. I even took him to the pedi one day to see if he had an ear infection. He didn't.
After the cold went away, he was still fussy when eating. So I thought maybe he had reflux. I gave a him a little Maalox (I had already discussed the possibility of giving him Maalox with the pediatrician earlier on when I thought he might have minor reflux issues.). It seemed to help at first, but now I'm not so sure. He SCREAMS bloody murder before feedings because he is hungry and sucks for the first few minutes but then backs off. It's like it starts to hurt? He drools all the time and always puts his fist in his mouth. He is showing signs of teething, but it seems to early for it to be that....I THINK it's reflux, but I'm not sure. I have to get to the bottom of it, though, because he's been so much fussier than normal and just off for the past week or so. I'll call the pediatrician as soon as the office opens today. Unfortunately, it's pouring rain right now, so if he does say come right in, we will be SOAKED. I think I might even prefer to wait until tomorrow! It's hard with twins...you can't just put one in the Baby Bjorn and run in! They have to be loaded into a stroller! Anyway, we'll see.
We went book hunting in my mom's attic this weekend. I pulled out a bunch of my old favorites from when I was a kid: Make Way for Ducklings, Blueberries for Sal, Mike Mulligan, Ira Sleeps Over, George and Martha, etc. etc. etc. It was so great to see and get my hands on those books again! I can't wait until the boys are old enough that they actually understand what I'm reading to them.
Adrian continues to constantly get in his favorite position/pose. No matter where he is, he has his hands behind his head.
I'm not sure I want the boys in Sox gear anymore. They suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adrian |
Adrian |
Sebastian |
I can't resist baby feet. |
Sebastian |
The boys are discussing the merits of tummy time and water mats. |
Yes, I'm Adrian and I know I'm cute. |
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