Wednesday, April 4, 2012

More blurry iPhone photos

Many of you have already seen these photos on Facebook.  My apologies.  I usually try to keep the picture posting on FB to a minimum and put my baby photos here.  But I couldn't resist putting these pictures of Adrian taking his bath for the world to see...They just play into the whole "I'm sexy and I know it" mentality of the two boys and their father.  I'm surrounded by over-confident males.

I work ouuuuuttt....

Come look at these biceps...
Too funny.  Carlos and I had a really good laugh over these photos and the moment when he was actually posing like this.

Here are photos of both boys in their dinosaur outfits...



 And more random shots.

Adrian peeking out of the bundle me over his car seat when we were out for a walk the other day. 

Adrian (L) and Sebastian (R)

In PJs and ready for bed! 

Grandpa loves to hold BOTH boys at once!

The Big Sister standing guard

And here she is supervising the feeding station...making sure it's compliant with all safety requirements. 
She's their best body guard!

Somehow I feel like they are about to duel in this photo.


On a side note, the blog has reached over 6,000 views and I think only about  5,900 are mine.  The Valentine's Day video has over 300 hits.  So thanks for caring!!!!!  :)  Now if I could only learn to take clear pictures!

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