Sunday, August 24, 2014

Adios, Summer Vacation

It's supposed to be hot and humid this week, but summer is over for me.  Starting tomorrow, the boys go full-time to pre-school, and I return to work.

In many ways, going back to work will mean my days are easier.  But during the fall, the days are long and exhausting just the same because of the tightness of my schedule during the school day and all the work I bring home with me at night.  This year it will be compounded by the fact that I have added teaching one section of 6th grade Spanish to the mix.  Not sure how this will all play out for my sanity.

My boys have been trying and have pushed my buttons over and over again this summer.  But I will miss our mornings at a different playground every day and our afternoon "adventures" which may or may not have involved getting the occasional order of McDonald's fries or just driving around so I could maintain some of my sanity.  They have become so verbal this summer, and they play WITH each other and talk to each other and ask each other things now.  It's delightful to see.  I will miss our morning snuggle sessions in my bed while Carlos gets ready for work.  Now I'll be getting ready for work, too, and those precious mornings with Sebastian warming his feet on me and Adi giggling in my face will be possible only on weekends.

I feel a huge let down after the holidays are over in January, and I feel an equally large disappointment when summer vacation is through; there is always so much anticipation and build up, then I'm in the midst of summer and it's busy and time flies, and then it's done and I feel like the carpet's been pulled out from under me.  Pretty soon I'll be too busy with work to dwell on the highlights of the summer and life will return to "normal."  But deep down, I'll continue to wish "normal" meant something else and that I had more time at home with my boys, because as they have figured out at only 2.5 years, "Mama's happy because she's with her boys."

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