Sunday, February 1, 2015

Winter is tough...

I feel like we were house-bound the whole month of January.  How I miss the days of our daily playground adventures!

We've been trying to keep busy with what we have--God knows we have enough toys--but it the winter snow days are still long and boring!  I've resorted to too much TV, but at least they don't watch during the week.

We've played Duplos and K'nex...

we've had shopping adventures to BJs for pizza...

we've cooked...

we've read together (the boys' latest thing is they like to "snuggle" together in Adi's bed and "read" books)...

and we've worked on peeing in the potty.  Adi's almost got the whole potty training thing.  (The Mexican hat is a nice touch.)  He uses the potty all the time for Ms. Helena at school (although he seems to be reluctant to use it for the other teachers).  And finally, he has used his potty and the big boy toilet at home!  He wore his army man undies for a while yesterday and didn't have any accidents.  He was dry last night and peed in the potty this morning.  I think it's time to make a push for it.  I think we'll aim for next weekend and just stay home close to the potty.

Today we occupied most of the morning playing with snow indoors.  They love it.

This afternoon we are off to get army man sheets for Adi--a gift from Mini for being almost potty trained.  He'll be able to use his big-boy sheets and blankets once he stops using diapers.  He said this morning after I showed him a picture of the sheets and explained the deal: "Oh, ok.  I'm getting army man presents because I used the potty!!!"  He was so super thrilled with himself yesterday for using his big-boy army man underwear.  He squealed with delight when he put them on...Wish us luck!

Go Pats!!!  We're staying home to watch.  My dad's coming over and I'll probably be in bed before half-time...I'm always pooped lately.  ;-)

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