Tuesday, March 15, 2016

From Snow Days to Spring Days

After playing in the snow/making a snow man in short sleeves, we had some really frigid weather.  That made for some long days, but thanks to the fireplace and some Legos, we made it through.  

I love that Lego makes a port-a-potty!

We played Trio blocks, too, and made this Hot Wheels set.

And then, the nice weather was back again!

Sebastian thinks he's Bill Bellichick.

They are all about dress-up and pretend play these days.  One day it's Captain Hook and the next it's firemen.  Last week, Sebastian saw a power wheels fire truck at BJ's.  I didn't even notice it.  As he was running around playing dress up as a fireman, he turned to me and said, "Mama, when you saw that firetruck at BJ's, did you think to yourself, 'Ooooh, my boys would like that!'"?  Oh my heavens!

This is their firetruck...they just saved some boys who fell off their bikes...such helpers, these boys!

As an aside, the boys FINALLY learned to ride their bikes with training wheels.  Big thanks to their friend Edwin who is 5 and who led the charge.  Sometimes peer pressure is a good thing!