Happy Easter 2014!! We had a great day today!
First, to get us in the Easter spirit, some artwork from the boys. They painted some Easter pictures with Natalie last week. I love them!
Natalie bought them cute little bunnies (I discovered them when I put them to bed Friday night) and left us some gorgeous-smelling hyacinths on the kitchen counter.
The Easter Bunny was extremely generous to the boys, but I think he was probably also pretty thrifty. Like I'll bet he got some of the stuff at Saver's, from Mini's attic, and Walmart...The Reese's bunnies are from Mini and the bubble mower is from Papa.
The boys painted the jelly-bean box with Natalie. The Easter Bunny used it for some Hot Wheels cars.
Inside the large egg are some more Hot Wheels cars.
The boys were overjoyed when they came down the stairs. I told Sebastian the night before that the Easter Bunny was coming and that he'd bring treats. I thought he didn't even understand. Well, the first thing he said when he woke up was "Easter Bunny! Treeeeeeats!" So I guess he got it!
Sebastian went straight for the Match Box cars.
But then he saw the Cars boxes...look at his face!
He nearly hyperventilated over each box. Click
here for a video of it.
He got Chick and another race car (came together), the "new" Lightening McQueen (after Ramon "paint's him up right"), Flo, Sheriff, and Sarge.
Meanwhile, Adi was thriiiiiiiiiilled beyond believe with his bubble lawnmower.
Here's a link to a video of the boys begging Papa to open their toys.
Adi mowed the "lawn" back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...I thought he was going to put ruts in the floor. He went through two containers of bubbles before we left the house at 8:45AM! Click
here for a video of Adrian.
Sebastian was so happy with his new cars, the he didn't even ask to watch McQueen...he was content just to line up his cars over and over and over again.
Adi put on his McQueen sunglasses to mow.
Even Puppy got in on the mowing.
At 9am we went to Nick and Lorna's for an egg hunt with their family. Sebastian immediately started hitting on Caroline. He was in love with her...he followed her around. At one point he even tried to go with her into the bathroom. She wasn't really enjoying his attention...poor girl--she couldn't shake him.
I think she's trying to escape him here...
The egg hunt was AWESOME. The boys had such a great time. They actually got the concept of looking for the eggs and had fun searching. I should have known that the Paone family would know how to do an egg hunt right...they had the best prizes inside the eggs I've ever seen. The boys got money, candy, a coupon for a free appetizer at Texas Road House, and bags of gold coins...they traded in slips of paper they found in some of the eggs for their prizes. It was very clever! I'll have to copy them for when we do egg hunts at our house in the future. As always, we loved seeing everyone. We felt bad because we left right after the egg hunt and came home to get ready for Auntie Mimi's house.
You'll notice in this picture that Adi took his lawnmower with him to the Paone's house...he hauled it with him as he searched for eggs.
At Auntie Mimi's Adi also had his lawnmower. He had fun sitting with Mini on the stairs. He kept touching the "troll toes" on a statue of a foot my Auntie Mimi has.
Adi also played with Nana.
The boys had a good time playing cars and pushing the lawnmower around Tia Mimi's condo. We ate like kings and queens. Kitchen and Auntie Carol brought the boys McQueen sippy cups with McQueen tattoos inside. Inside the cups there was also chocolate (their favorite!) and the Corvette race car from Cars that Papa loves along with his pit crew manager (not sure of his name). They were happy to add those two cars to their growing collection. Baby James was adorable as always. I just realized I didn't get any pictures of him. Bummer.
Kitchen brought the electric whoopie cushion, and Sebastian had a good time laughing about how all his cars were pooping.
Here's the video.
We left around 2:30 and the boys napped for about 40 minutes on the ride home. They were CRANKY PANTS when we got home. They were all out of sorts and didn't know what they wanted. Eventually they got the crank out of their systems and were fine the rest of the afternoon. They went to bed without a peep at 6:30 when we put them down! Exhausted!
Oh, before dinner, I went to put more bubbles in the lawnmower. The bubble solution leaked all over the floor...and then the bubble wheel wouldn't turn so it wouldn't blow bubbles. Adrian wore it out in less than one day??? He didn't mistreat it in any way...so after he was in bed, Carlos took it back to Walmart to exchange it. Luckily they gave us a new one and Adi will be happy tomorrow.
I have the day off tomorrow to spend with the boys! I'm excited--I only wish it weren't April vacation week. All of our favorite places are going to be crowded.