Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Funny Sayings #1 March

Adrian:  "Mama, the snow is dirty.  Have to wipe it with a paper towel."

Adrian: "Mama, I'm gonna share my Spiderman treats with you."

Sebastian: "Mama, I always say thank you when they give you munchkins."  (At the DD drive through)

Sebastian:  "If we're bad boys the Easter Bunny won't bring presents and the blue Mickey." (the stuffed Mickey they saw at Costco)

Sebastian: "We don't have pixie dust.  We have to get one from Saver's."

Sebastian (sword fighting): "Mama, I've got so many moves!"

Sebastian, putting his cowboy hat on: "Mama, do I look OK?"

Sebastian was in our bed this morning snuggling.  He's all about Papa lately.  I asked him for a hug and a kiss good morning.  He begrudgingly gave me a hug and a kiss and then said, "Now leave me alone and go over there," pointing to my side of the bed.  :-(

Sebastian, after I took something away because he wasn't listening: "Heeeeey!!  We don't take from friends!"

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