Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

For their birthday, my mom got the boys a DJ toy.  The boys love it, but particularly Adrian.  He had a great time making music!

The boys had a haircut right before Thanksgiving, and it was the FIRST time *both* boys were good for Maria.  Yeah!

 Carlos stained the car rack so it looks more finished.

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun!  The boys loved seeing everyone.  I didn't take many photos because I was busy cooking.

 The boys love the Jack-in-the-box from Nana.

The boys love how their playroom is decorated.

 Adi enjoyed the Thanksgiving leftovers, particularly the mashed potatoes.

Yesterday we went to Breakfast with Santa at the Bass Pro Shops.  It was fun!  The boys got semi dressed up.  At least Adi didn't insist on wearing Army Man clothes.

They had little blank gingerbread ornaments and markers on the table so the kids could decorate their ornaments.  Cute idea.

Adi ate like a machine.  He kept asking for more potatoes.

They loved Santa and weren't even afraid of him.  Although it sort of looks like it here!

With his birthday money from nana, Adi picked out an army man outfit at Bass Pro Shops and insisted on carrying the hangers around the store and then the bag after we had bought the outfit.  We changed him into his new outfit in the car because he was so excited.

Christmas 2014 photo with Santa.

After breakfast we went home and had naps.  In the evening, we went to the Festival of Trees at the Ames Governor Estate in Easton.  

The end.

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