I can't believe March is almost over. Last week's 80 degree weather was a gift from God....how nice it was to get out with the boys and not have to dress all of us up in jackets and/or multiple blankets! Everything is in bloom...too bad it is now freezing out! But I guess spring will be here soon enough.
Trying out the double umbrella stroller for the first time. This one attracts a LOT more attention from people. It's much more obvious that they are twins....the other stroller basically hides the 2nd baby. |
They seemed to enjoy the view from this stroller, Adrian in particular. He's always nosy and wants to keep tabs on what's going on around him. Sebastian is content to just sleep. It's quite the role reversal! In the NICU, Sebastian was the alert, nosy one, and Adrian slept ALL the time! |
This month we've mostly been hanging around the house, perfecting napping and sleep training. Sebastian's had a cold (or allergies, perhaps?), and Lexi is adapting to life at home with the boys. She continues to be good with them, but the new thing is that her arthritis is really acting up. She can't go up the condo stairs. This means one of us has to carry her up all the stairs every time we take her out to go to the bathroom...We are switching her arthritis medicine to see if the new one will help her, but it's not looking that great for the long term. Poor Lexi. :(
The boys are definitely recognizing each other lately. After I feed them, I leave on in the nap nanny and put the other my knee so that they can look right into each other's eyes. They laugh and giggle at each other. They seem to think that the fact that there is another baby around is funny...They don't know quite what to make of Lexi. She still manages to kiss them on the face when I'm not fast enough, and Sebastian in particular is not a huge fan of her sloppy kisses. Adrian just giggles.
Sebastian wasn't thrilled to see Adrian at this moment... |
My friend Amanda came to visit. I hadn't seen her in over 3 years, but she's the kind of friend that you can pick right up where you left off with. I was so happy to see her and her sister Liza, too!
Adrian fell asleep in her arms. I have a "no holding a sleeping baby" rule--except from between 3-7 when they are in the witching hour! |

The boys have now slept through the night from 8-6:30 AM for two nights in a row. They get fed at 11PM so it's not all that time straight, but they do sleep from about 11:30 until 6:30 now without feeding. It took FOREVER to get Adrian to stop crying at around 3AM. There were lots of factors coming into play, I think. One, he's just stubborn. We all know this. He wants to be held at 3AM. Second, he was always unswaddling himself. So we kept trying different swaddling blankets. But he'd inevitably wake himself up at that hour because he'd come out of the swaddle. I'd have to reswaddle him, and he'd be awake from that point on. We actually have similar sleep issues--I'm the same way. If I wake up between 3-5AM, there's no way I can fall back asleep. I'm just awake. Third, he was sleeping in the co-sleeper next to Sebastian and next to me and Carlos. We all just kept waking each other up. And, just to add stress into the mix, I was worried about all the crying and the noise with the lady downstairs.
So, two nights ago we moved both boys to the nursery. Carlos and I hated to do it since the experts recommend co-sleeping until 6 months of age, but in this case, no one was sleeping well. I don't want to jinx it, but it seems to be working. I also double swaddled both boys in a miracle blanket and then a sleep sack. They are basically in two straight jackets, and even so, when I open the sleep sack they are half out of the miracle blanket. Little Houdinis!
Adrian. So angelic you'd never believe how stubborn he's been! |
Adrian |
Sebastian |
Both boys now love the jungle play thingy that they found overstimulating just a few weeks ago. They stare at the flashing lights and kick their legs like Mexican jumping beans.
The boys also love their mobile....I can keep them entertained for a while by putting them in the crib to watch it while I straighten up their room or hang their clothes.
The boys went to their first birthday party last weekend for Michelle's son Luke. He turned 2. They had the teacher from the Music Together class some and sing with the kids. Both boys were mesmerized by the music!
Too bad the picture is blurry! Adrian is with Michelle's mom and Sebastian is with Michelle. |
Sebastian making music with Michelle |
Adrian with Michelle's mom |
Finally, as usual, just some random shots taken over the month.
Ready for a walk! |
Me feeding the boys |
awwwww |
Sebastian Houdini in action |
Adrian modeling Calvin Klein |
Sebastian |
Fussy because his nose is stuffed up |