I thought I'd take a minute and put some goals for 2013 in writing--in other words, hold myself accountable for some of them. Here they are in no particular order:
1. Post at least twice a week on the blog. This is my equivalent of a baby book, photo album, and family diary. I've gotten laxer and laxer about updating, and crappier and crappier about my posting when I do update. Yet, it's one of the things that I enjoy doing the most. So I have to get my priorities straight and make more time for blogging.
2. Be more mindful of starting and continuing family traditions. When I was on bedrest, I made a really long, detailed list of all the traditions my family and I had as I was growing up. Many of these I would like to continue with my own family. I have to get started! I don't know what I'm waiting for!
3. Worry less about things beyond my control. I worry ALL THE TIME. I worry in the middle of the night. I worry as soon as I wake up and right before I go to bed. I basically worry about all sorts of things that haven't happened yet and that are beyond my control. I like to say I'm an optimist but that I plan for the worst. The truth is I'm a pessimist with highly neurotic tendencies. This is no surprise to anyone who knows me...except me, maybe. I don't want to worry any more--it's taking a toll on me and probably my boys and definitely Carlos.
4. Take more photos; take better photos. I take lousy photos and put them on the blog. Who likes looking at blurry photos? Why don't I spend the time to edit the photos before putting them up? Plus, lately, I'm lazy about getting the good camera out. I used to take pictures of everything. That's not to say I should post more photos, but I'm hoping I will take more pictures of more events and have better quality photos to choose from!
5. Do some work-related things to further my career. For example, go on some college tours so that I've seen more of the places I'm counseling students about. These are usually free for counselors and you get to travel all over the place...I hate to leave the boys at this point, but I need to start thinking about short tours in the near future. I was also recently invited to serve on a panel at the College Board regional meeting at the end of January. I need to do more of this sort of thing at this point in my career...
6. Read more. I have completely let reading for pleasure fall by the wayside. I used to never not have a book in my hands. Yes, having children changes things, but I have free time every night after they go to bed. I need to get into reading good stuff again. Anyone with good suggestions let me know. I need something meaty to get me back in the habit. The last good book I read was Cutting for Stone--amazing read.
7. Pay it forward. Self explanitory. I need to do more for others.
8. Make an updated budget after moving and stick to it. Life has been so up in the air for the past few months that it's hard to have a budget and stick to it. Once we settle into our new home (if it ever happens...more on that in another post), we need to figure out expenses and income and really be strict about our spending. Daycare eats up such a huge chunk of our money that we have to really disciplined to keep things under control.
9. Stop thinking that parenting will get easier when (fill in the blank) happens. Parenting is going to consistently be hard. I keep thinking things will be easier when they learn to walk, when they eat better, when they sleep better, etc. The truth is there will always be a new challenge and I have to stop wondering what the next stage will bring and enjoy the present one more. Not that I don't already enjoy each day, but I want to be more mindful of each and every phase that they go through and really appreciate it for what it is--and for the challenges and rewards it brings.
10. See more of my friends. There are too many people that I love very very much that I don't see enough of. I need to make more time to see them.
1 comment:
Totally #10. In Hawaii. That might negate some of your other efforts, but it'll be TOTALLY worth it.
You are awesome! Ambitious and worthwhile goals. Can't wait to hear about your progress...
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