Monday, November 10, 2014


As usual, because it's been so hard to stay on top of the blog lately with the craziness of work, some random pictures of the month of October.

The boys love to "work" with sticks as they take a walk around the neighborhood.  They "sweep" the leaves and "clear" the storm drains.

Sebastian still won't use the potty, but he likes to make me take him into his bedroom in the morning before school and look at his big boy underwear.  Sometimes he likes to do "night night" on top of his big boy underwear.  The kid is so weird!

Sebastian loves owls, and Mini bought both boys a little stuffed owl.  Both boys really like them.  They were especially thrilled when they discovered that the owl looks just like the one in one of their favorite books, Lost in the Woods.

Carlos has been taking the boys on Sunday mornings so I can write recommendation letters for work.  It sucks for me, but it's the only way I can get my letters done.  This particular Sunday they went to Walmart with Grumpy to look for "buzzezzes."  That's how Sebastian makes the plural of Buzz.

Here he is with some of his Buzzezzes.  He had like 8--all different sizes and styles.  He loves each and every one of them and rotates through them from day to day.

 Playing the Dress-Up Joey.

One morning before school the boys started putting on hats, glasses, etc. and hamming it up.

Too bad this is blurry--it could have been a classic.

Seen/overheard in the car at school one morning:  "Mama, I'm hugging my feet.  I love them." --Sebastian

This was Adi's reaction to Sebastian's foot hugging...  ;-)

Pep rally for Nobles Day.

Adi was so happy I brought home a wig.

He was also happy to march around with this box on his head like an Egyptian pharaoh.  The roll of wrapping paper was something he picked out when we went to Party City to get stuff for the boys' birthday party.  He calls it his "ah-my towl."  I have NO IDEA why.  He loves it.

Sebastian got a Buzz keychain and loves it.

While waiting for Baby James to visit Sunday, the boys did "Ready Set Go" together, hand-in-hand.

Sebastian is so good with his cousin.  He immediately shared his Buzzezzes with him--a sign of true love with Sebastian!

Adi tried to give James a ride in his Mercedes, but he kept going too fast and jerking the car.  So James would cry, and then Adi didn't want to keep driving because he didn't seem to like that he was making James cry.  So James ended up walking.

 One weekend not too long ago I introduced the boys to The Wizard of Oz.  They love it, including the witch, which means they truly are my boys!  Sebastian likes to sing "Because because because because" over and over again...and then he walks the lines in the road and goes around in circles to follow the yellow brick road like Dorothy.

 Sometimes the path to our house is his yellow brick road...

The boys eating a cookie... "Mama it's so yummy!" says Sebastian.

And, before I forget, two quotes.

"You're a bad boy, Sah-bas-chin."  --Adi when Sebastian wouldn't stop crying a few days ago.

"Adi, Santa's not going to bring you toys.  You're a bad boy."  Sebastian to Adrian (randomly)

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