Sunday, July 19, 2015

Odds and Ends

Last week we went to my mom's to swim.  We ended up staying for dinner.  The boys enjoyed ice cream after we ate...

My in-laws arrived on Monday.  Earlier in the day we met Tío Jim and James and Alice at Bird Park in Walpole to play.

On the way home, we stopped at Saver's to make a donation.  We went in and I found this "Ding-Ding" like the one Auntie Bobbie had for $9.99.  And I had a $3 off coupon.  It still works!!  They are on E-Bay for a lot more than $10.  The boys like it, but I'm almost afraid to let them play with it...It brings back such memories!  I'm pretty sure it's from 1970!

That afternoon we went to Logan to get the cousins and abuelos.  The boys LOVED walking through all the tunnels from the parking garage to the terminal.

 To be continued with more from the visit from the in-laws!

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