My little preemie babies turn 8 months old today!! They are getting so big!!
Adrian has taken a real interest in Lexi lately. Sebastian has too, but he is a bit rougher and pulls on her ears. Adrian pets her...he loves her fluffy fur and he touches her ears and her beard. Lexi sits at his feet like a queen and enjoys his attention. It is so sweet to see, and it breaks my heart because she's getting older and more lame by the day. Poor Lexi. My first baby...
Lexi in her favorite spot |
When Adrian had a fever last week, Lexi was right there beside him...she loves her boys! |
Both boys are now sitting with just a tiny bit of support every now and then. They can sit on their own and lean forward to reach for toys. Every now and then they still topple over to the side though if we're not there to catch them. But almost! They have great posture! ;) Here they are showing off their mad sitting skillz!
Sebastian--he enjoys eating books. Carlos has started calling him the Bookie Monster. |
Adrian |
Adrian likes to eat books too. But he actually reads them first. |
They roll over constantly when asleep now, and mostly they sleep on their tummies. I still put them down on their backs, but they amost immediately roll onto their belly. I can't fight it. Adrian likes to sleep with his cute butt in the air. Not sure how it could be comfortable, but he seems to think it is.
Still no teeth, but they HAVE to be on their way. They are increasingly bothered by their sore gums. They still chew on anything and everything in sight...
They like to chew their fingers... |
their keys... |
and their bibs!!! |
As for daycare, they are doing better and better. Sebastian is finally sleeping better there. With better naps, they are happier there. No one likes to be overtired! Sebastian STILL has a cold--he's basically had it since the first day of daycare, but I'm hoping it will go away someday...I'm going to clean the nursery from top to bottom as soon as I have the chance. I'm wondering if he's just allergic to Lexi or to dust. Not that there is any dust in my house or anything...
Finally, here are some random pictures of the boys and an impromptu 8-month photos shoot on the couch sarape!!!
Sebastian loves to try to drink out of the straw! He gets annoyed when nothing comes up and into his mouth! |
Sebastian also likes to admire himself very closely in the mirror |
Sebastian loves peek-a-boo lately! |
Adrian with Papi |
Sebastian |
Sebastian often has a deer-in-the-headlights look for pictures... |
Whenever they are near each other, the boys quickly become a tangled mess of arms and legs. |
And then they hit and kick each other. Good-naturedly, of course! |