Friday, September 28, 2012

Major life decisions...

The boys turned 10 months on Tuesday, and life has been so busy, it passed by without our taking a picture.  Bummer.  I'll have to take one this weekend and fudge it.

There is so much going on right now it's not even funny.  I don't know where to start.

First, I guess I should say Adrian has been sick with a fever ALL WEEK LONG.  He started Sunday night and it's Friday night and he STILL has a fever.  It goes up and down and up and other symptoms.  I took him to the pediatrician on Tuesday evening to make sure it wasn't an ear infection or something else.  Nope.  Just a virus.  So nothing to do but wait it out.  If he still has a fever in the morning tomorrow, I may have to take him back to the pediatrician!  A normal virus has usually run its course in five days...

The constant sickness is getting to me.  In this case, I think either Carlos or I infected him, not the kids at daycare.  But either way, this is ridiculous.  We have to go back to Purelling every two seconds again, I guess?!

In addition to the daycare sickness, my new job has been stressful and is somewhat less fulfilling right now than I expected.  I suppose I feel that way because there has been so much else going on that I feel like I can't concentrate 100% on the tasks at hand, and it's the first time I've EVER felt like that.  I'm not sure I'm giving it my all, even though I can say I'm trying to give it my all.  Does that even make sense?  I had to leave early a few times this week and took today off to be with sick Adrian.  I had forgotten how DIFFICULT it is to take time off when you work at a high school.  It's not like working in an office...

We are fighting again with our neighbors downstairs about our noise level.  Long story that I don't want to get into on the blog, but this condo is not ideal for us with two babies.  The stairs are killing us and we make a lot of noise despite our absolute best efforts not to.  We are just not comfortable here anymore.

So, in the past week or so, we've decided to put the condo on the market, move in with my mom, switch the kids to another daycare in West Bridgewater, and hopefully buy a new house in Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, or Easton before spring.  Ideally, we'd buy something right away and not move in with my poor mother, but that may not be possible.

We've thought about this so hard, and this seems to be the best solution for us to be able to get out of here.  I can't stand another winter having to play musical cars in the driveway, and I'm terribly afraid of taking the boys down the icy front steps.  I PRAY that this condo will sell quickly and without any issues so that we can get out of here.

I'm so afraid to uproot the boys from daycare because once we give those spots up, they are GONE.  She has a waitlist over a year long.  We love our daycare here in Watertown.  But if we are going to do this, we have to bite the bullet and tell her we're giving up the spots.  I feel like I want to vomit every time I even think about putting that in writing because it makes this final.  We have to move if we give up daycare.  Or we'd have to come back and have a nanny lined up, something we can't afford.

I have to get the prayer warriors who helped us out when I was on bedrest praying for us again.  It worked last time...HELP!?!?!

Next time there will be pictures.  But I had to get this off my chest.

1 comment:

Jonah and Aja said...

Oh darn Amy. I could tell how much you loved that daycare and it sucks to have to move in a hurry. Lots of love and prayers coming your way.

I'm sure your mom is going to love having you so close for awhile. We've moved in with my mom between moves a few different times and its always been a tremedous bonding time for her and the kids. Even though it wasn't our best-case scenario at the time, they were actually really wonderful interludes now that we look back.

Hang in there! I'm sure things will fall into place and you will be able to see clearly what your new path should be.
Love and prayers,
Aja and fam