Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Last night was sort of anti-climactic!  We had already dressed the boys up for their outing to the Derby Street Halloween, and it's hard to capture good photos of them in their stroller anyway.  Carlos was late getting home from work, and trick or treating started late and was practically non-existent in my mom's neighborhood (which is weird given what a nice neighborhood it is).  Anyway, I took the boys out around 5:30 for a walk with the dog and we were the only ones out!  Carlos finally got home and we took some pictures with the boys in their costumes.  Then bath, bottle, and bed for the boys and work for me.  Maybe next year will be more eventful!  I just read on Facebook from one of my friends that someone in her neighborhood had rented a bouncy house and had scary music.  The whole neighborhood showed up after trick or treating!  Sounds like a blast!

Carlos with Adrian

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