Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy First Birthday!!

I can't believe it was a year ago that the boys were born.  Time truly flies.  I still remember the events and emotions of the day with great clarity, and I hope I never forget.  It has been a great first year, and I look forward to many more with the boys.

In the morning, the boys opened their presents from their abuelos in Mexico: a walker thingy and a cool dump truck.

In the afternoon, we had a visit from our friends Gloria and Jose.  I was happy to celebrate their birthday with such good friends.  We didn't do a big party because of the fact that it falls so close to Thanksgiving (where we celebrated with family).  The boys don't have friends yet really, and things are crazy with packing and moving.  Next year we'll have a party!!

Sebastian smoking his "cigar"

Adrian with Papi--they don't make party hats big enough for Papi's head...


Primo (Jose) and Sebastian








At night before bed, we dressed the boys up in their Elf on a Shelf outfits.  My mom converted their jalapeƱo Halloween costumes into the elf outfits.  They were overtired and not very cooperative so we'll have to give it another go later.  But for now, this is what we got!


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Random photos

Just a collection of random pictures of the boys from our adventures in the past few days.  We haven't been home hardly at all!  I'm so proud of these boys--they are really well behaved when we take them out!  :)

Playing with his party thingy.  Can't remember what they are called!

Artwork from daycare...

They finally figured out their sippy cups.  Now they understand that water actually comes out--it's not just something to chew on!



We went to the mall and the boys were holding hands!

Tired Sebastian!  With one shoe on and one shoe off.  Usually he rips a sock (or two) off too!

Enchanted Village

Black Friday, we didn't get up to do any shopping, but we went to breakfast and then took the boys to Jordan's Furniture for the Enchanted Village.  I've only been once in my life, back when it was still held in Downtown Crossing.  I don't even know how old I was.  I figured Carlos would get a kick out of it, and even though the boys don't understand what the heck is going on most of the time, they are mesmerized by movement and lights.

We arrived at 10:20 and found out that it opens at 11...we waited in line and the boys were surprisingly good.  (They had their bottles to distract them!)  It took us all of 15 minutes to walk through--and that was because we doddled given how long we'd waited!  At the end they try to sell you photos of your family that they take as you enter.  The CHEAPEST package is $27.  No thank you!!  They weren't that great anyway.

In their new sweaters from Li Mei

Every few minutes it "snows" in the room!  Fun! 

After we got home, we took the boys and Lexi for a walk around the neighborhood.  They wore their gifts from Li Mei: the sweaters, hats, and afghans!  Love them!


