I just discovered picmonkey.com....wow! It's like Photoshop, but for dummies like me who don't have the first clue how to use Photoshop...easy! I can't wait to play around with it! Maybe I'll make that this month's project since I've been so bad at starting all the things on my list of things I want to do/learn...I have such inertia lately. There's so much I want to do, but I can't seem to get myself started on anything.
This weekend we went to visit Nana. It was such a nice visit. I brought my camera but didn't take a single picture, which was dumb. It just takes so much energy to watch the boys EVERY SECOND these days that I guess that's why we didn't take any pictures! No time!! But it was so nice--as always--to see Nana with the boys. She's so good with them. While we were at her house, Auntie Mimi stopped by with her friend Lucas. Then we loaded up a few things into the van (Nana has a bunch of our stuff at her house. We hope to rent a U-Haul in the next few weeks to go pick it all up.) and took Nana out to lunch at Wendy's. She had a bunch of coupons so the whole meal for all of us was only a couple of bucks...not spending money makes Nana happy. And that makes us happy. When we were leaving, Nana was holding Sebastian and when Carlos took him, he didn't want to go with him--he wanted to stay with Nana. It was the cutest darn thing ever. Can't wait to see Nana, Auntie Mimi, and Lucas again at Easter!
Last Thursday the boys had their 15-month check up. It was fine--nothing to report, really. Today we had a visit with the ENT doctor for both boys to see about tubes...and he immediately agreed that it was a good option. Then, the pediatrician called tonight to say he'd received a letter from the ENT doctor saying that he'd recommended surgery and we'd consented. He wanted to know if we had any concerns or questions, but told us that he agreed tubes are the best option. Nice of him to call. So I think we'll go ahead with it as soon as he has an opening. His surgical scheduler will give us a call. I am so upset about the idea of them going under, but at the same time, I hate the thought of them having ear infection after ear infection and being speech delayed (potentially), hard of hearing, and in pain all the time.
The boys are ready to transition to the toddler room at daycare!!! They started the transition today. It will take 2 weeks before they are fully there, which is good because they ease them into things. Today it was 9-11 in there, tomorrow it's 11-4, and it alternates like that this week. Next week they are there from drop off-11 and then 11 to pick-up, alternating. Then by the 18th, if all goes well, they will be in their full-time. They had a blast today, I guess, and did really well. They were out on the playground with the big kids running around!! They were exhausted after coming home today, but some of that may also have been due to going to the doctor. But the teachers did say that after lunch they conked out for almost 2 hours! They don't usually sleep that long at daycare!!! I'm so proud of my boys! :)
Here are some random photos. I think I will try to edit some photos and get good at Picture Monkey and take more pictures this month. In the meantime, here are more blurry photos.
I love love love this picture of Sebastian with his mad face! |
The boys have an OBSESSION with hats!
The boys used to be afraid of this tunnel that came with their tent. But they were having fun with the tunnel at daycare so we pulled it out again. They LOVE it!! |
Sweet! This frog from Christian (which was a gift from Lei Mei) is like a bean bag for the boys! They love it!! Thanks for sharing, Christian, now that you're almost 14!! |
He loved this pink princess chair. He loves any chair, though. |
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Not a good example, but I did this with Picture Monkey. I was simply experimenting with effects, text, colors, etc. I don't like how this came out, but I'm fascinated with the options! |
Sebastian likes to wear the buckets on his head |
1 comment:
Those are some amazingly cute boys! And your photography skills are awesome. You just take this all in stride. I love it.
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