Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I'm on vacation for two whole weeks now!!!  This is like a gift from God...what a concept!!!  VACATION in MARCH?!?!  Never in a million years on the admissions side of things would you have two weeks off in March!  I'm loving this!

I've had to make a lot of work phone calls in the past two days, so I still don't feel like I'm 100% on vacation, but still way better than having to go to the office!

I used the past two days, in between phone calls, to organize our financial documents and important papers (took forever!) and to unpack the rest of the boxes in the basement.  Getting rid of the last of the boxes in the house (But there are more to come!  There is still stuff at my Nana's and there are still a lot of boxes in the garage...) meant there was room to change things around so the boys have a bigger play area.

Basically, we now have an adult TV area and a kids' play area.  The exersaucers will go as soon as I can either give them to my mother or my brother.  The boys have no interest in them anymore.  The coffee table is too high for the couch, but eventually that couch will go upstairs in our bedroom anyway.  It's just there until we have the money to buy a nice comfy leather recliner sofa.  And when we get the sofa, we'll move the stereo out of there as well to the play area.  But for now, this is at least better than it was!  The area looks huge without all their toys in it!

That storage bin has bedding for the guest room and will disappear (hopefully) after this weekend.  I'd like to rent the UHaul and get the rest of our stuff from my Nana's this Friday.  That rolled up rug was left to us by the previous owner--I think it's an outdoor rug for the screened-in porch...We still have to hang the mirror over the fireplace and look for my laminate tile hearth that hasn't turned up in any of the boxes yet.

I should have shut the laundry doors before I took this!  :)

Eventually the bar will go where the table is, but for now, it will be nice to have a table for them to draw and play games at.

The boys love having more room to run around.  It just feels more open now and it's more baby proof than it was before.  It will be a challenge to keep them out of the TV side, though...the gate we bought for the stairs in Watertown does not open wide enough to block off the other side as we'd hoped it would.

Next project: living room.  The movers broke one of the hutch's glass shelves.  I found someone to cut another one (for $42!!  It's an Ikea hutch and probably only worth $150.  Oh well.) and it should be ready soon.  As soon as the hutch is 100% again, I can start unpacking boxes in the living room and making that looked a little more lived in.  I had hoped to strip the wallpaper and paint first, but that seems like too big a project for this vacation.  I have too many other appointments and commitments to realistically tackle it.

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