We had such fun this weekend! And I didn't have to work at all!! Finally!
Saturday we started off the day with our usual weekend treat--nutella crepes. The boys BEG for them! Then we went to Bass Pro Shops. The next few pictures are from the afternoon--after nap time and after Bass, but they uploaded this way and I'm too lazy to do it all over again.
So, here are the boys lounging in their chairs while Papa took care of an army of carpenter bees that had taken over our porch. Ewww. They drill holes (!!) in the wood and burrow in. There's always something to worry about when you live in the boonies.
The boys' fake smile these days just cracks me up! They think they look so handsome when they do this...
The mischievous looks here say it all...
Here we are at Bass Pro Shop. We went in the store and looked at all the stuff. Carlos bought hot sauces at the general store. Otherwise, we got nothing but had fun looking. Adi wanted new "big army man pants" in the worst way (the pair he has on in the pictures were from there and they are really the only pants he will wear--even though he has other camo) but they didn't have any.
After walking around and having fun inside, we hiked the nature trail out back. It was perfect for them. They also had fun jumping on and off the rocks behind the store...I was nervous.
The geese had babies which, for some reason, aren't visible in this picture.
Forgot to mention, Adi had fun shooting the guns...I hate that the kid loves guns so much.
Today was great fun, too!
In the morning we went to Blue Hills. We saw the animals...this poor otter was in stinky water. He didn't seem to mind. And, actually, the water didn't look this green in person.
The boys hiked all the way to the top from the Trail Museum with only minimal help (hand holding--we never picked them up). I was so proud! We had snacks at the top, climbed the tower to see Boston, and then hiked down. They were BEAT on the way down and had a few minor breakdowns! But we made it without carrying them. But, man! First time ever we tired them out that much!
And, since I don't think I've taken any yet this season, the boys riding "their" horsey at Market Basket.
Love these boys! They are so big now...
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