Monday, May 4, 2015

Ford F-150!

What a busy and great weekend!  I am so grateful spring has finally arrived and we can get out of the house again!  This winter was just so miserable.  Yet the misery had become the norm.  I had forgotten how nice it  can be here and how much better the boys are when they can get outside and let some of their energy out!

This Saturday morning, we made an "epic" (my words!  hahaha) train set up for Sebastian to play with.  We had the two train tables set up with all their fancy buildings etc.  They are finally old enough to not completely dismantle it on me after I spend time setting it up!  They also get in on the building process now and tell me where to put things/where not to put them.  They can make their own set ups, but they are so simple I get bored.  And, after all, it's really all about me not getting bored, right? :-/

 In the afternoon, after a lot of errands in the morning, we went to Hull.  My poor planning...the boys never went home to nap.  They slept in the car on the way.  It ended up being a BAD idea...they were tired and fussy pretty much the whole afternoon.  And it was freezing in Hull near the water!  Yikes!
But the boys enjoyed seeing James and Baby Alice.  Sebastian took his job of helping James very seriously.

We hit the beach (just for a few minutes because of the cold wind) and then the playground.

 Sunday, Mini gave the boys a new Ford F-150 powerwheels truck.  The Lightening McQueen car will go to James for his birthday this week.  It's slow, so even though Sebastian loves it, he is always behind Adi in his black Mercedes.  To say the truck was a hit is an understatement.  The boys drove it all day yesterday--so much that they used the battery right up.

Adi in particular really took the truck over.

 Adi's hair is so long--and it feels like I just got it cut!  Well, actually, they last had a haircut in the middle of March.  Their hair grows like a weed.  I want to give Adi an "army man" buzz cut, but he hates the buzzer.  And Carlos won't let me.  But his eyes would show better--he'd look adorable.  AND, it would be easier to spot ticks.  I have to keep working on the idea with Carlos....

After taking the truck for a spin around the neighborhood multiple times, he took it all around the back yard.

Sebastian gathered dandelions while Adi drove!!

 We took all the patio furniture out of the porch and cleaned it off so it's ready for use.  We also used the leaf blower to get all the dirt out of there.  Man, it was dirty and gross in there!  I don't know why I hadn't ever thought of using the leaf blower before.  Yesterday was gorgeous but it was a bit too cool at night after the boys were in bed to actually sit out on the porch.  Maybe tonight?

The boys used their picnic table/see-saw and kept yelling at each other back and forth "SEE-SAW SEE-SAW"!

Grumpy came over before bedtime and the boys played in their new hideout (the truck box).  It's so big even Grumpy fit inside!

At 7pm, after the boys were down, I enjoyed a prickly pear beer I picked up at the Craft Beer Cellar in Belmont yesterday.  I met two friends from Harvard at a new restaurant they put in at the foot of Edenfield Ave (where we used to live).  The beer is delicious, by the way!

I drove by the old condo and SURPRISE!  There was a for sale sign in front!  It's listed by Adriano, our agent!  I knew it had to be the top floor where we used to live, so I looked it up as soon as I got home.  Yep!  No surprise they want to leave after only 2.5 years.  They haven't done anything to the condo--it looks exactly the same as the way we left it.  They may have painted the living/dining room, but it's hard to tell from the pictures.  Other than that they will likely benefit big time from our sweat equity and hard work--and a hot market.  Bummer for us.  But we HAD to get out when we did.

To wrap up, here's a picture of Sebastian wearing his "new" Saver's Disney Store shirt.  He was so excited!  Cost $4 and I thought that was expensive (since I usually spend $.50 or so on their clothes)!  Hahaha!  But the kids is worth it!

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