Despite the extreme pollen, I'm loving life right now. The weather has been sunny, dry, warm...quite a welcome change after this terrible and endless winter. I couldn't even imagine these days in my head anymore during the dead of winter when we were under 5 feet of snow.
Carlos and I cleaned the whole back porch and it was promptly covered in pollen. Still, the boys love to be out there playing with their cars. Grumpy brought over the old trestle table that Grandpa made years ago. It's nice to have the extra seating but even nicer to have a reminder of him. My boys would have adored my Grandpa and he would have adored them.
It's so nice that the boys entertain themselves for increasingly longer periods of time now. They play together or separate. Quite honestly, Sebastian is way better at entertaining himself. He can play trains for 30 minutes, talking to himself and imagining scenes. It's adorable to watch. Adi is more high-maintenance in terms of needing attention and getting into trouble because he can't entertain himself...I think he'll like sports more than Sebastian...I found out that Lakeville Athletic Club has programs for kids as young as 4. Maybe next winter so they have an outlet for their energy!
Last Saturday I had to chaperone "Boat Dance," which is for the junior class. I hate doing those things, but it wasn't so bad. It was a gorgeous night--great weather--and the view of Boston was awesome!
Lastly, just some crazy fun before bedtime. One night Adi put his underwear on his head. Then he proceeded to have a conversation with Papa's foot and his Puppy. It was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. That kid is **crazy**!
Finally, the other day the boys were out in their Power Wheels. The little girl who lives down the street got in with Sebastian. He drove her home, they exchanged flowers, and he gave her a hug. It was too darn cute. Adi said next time she'll ride with him!
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