This has been a tremendous week for us. Lots going on!
First, Adrian has started crawling. He now makes it the length of the room without collapsing. He likes to do this cute thing where he sticks his legs out behind him. I'm posting a video of it. He gets better at it every day! Sebastian is doing pretty well, too. He's just not as fluid at the crawling.
The boys had their 6 month Early Intervention evaluation this week (as in 6 months since they started, not 6 months old). They tested closer to 7 months, their adjusted age, than their actual 9 month age. (I can't even believe they are nine months old!) But that's ok by me. They will catch up to their actual age sooner or later. Plus, they evaluate on what they see, not on what they know the boys can do. So even though Anita our EI lady knew they could do certain things, if she didn't see it, she couldn't give credit for it. But it is what it is. They saw no red flags that would prevent the boys from catching up within the normal time frame of 12-18 months, so we'll see. Basically, they told me what I already know. Adrian is a better crawler, and he has better upper body strength because of it. He's weaker in the trunk area and has a harder time sitting and reaching for objects. Sebastian has a strong core and can reach for all sorts of things when sitting. But he has a harder time crawling and his upper body strength needs some work. But it will come with crawling more.
This week we also bought a minivan. I haven't even seen it yet! Carlos picks it up today. I wanted no part in choosing it because I hate cars and was busy with the boys anyway. The only conditions I gave Carlos were that we can't pay a cent more per month for the van than we were paying for his car. I didn't care what color or what it looked like. We were considering mainly the Honda Odyssey or the Toyota Sienna. We ended up with a 2007 Honda Odyssey that is dark gray with leather interior (easier to clean). It has about 68,000 miles. Not too bad for the price. We are paying exactly the same as for Carlos's car. Plus, I didn't expect this, but our car insurance went DOWN! I guess minivans are stolen less than Civics??? That's the only explanation I can come up with! But that was a nice surprise. So, now we can ALL travel together in the van (including poor Lexi) and actually fit the stroller and a few other odds and ends too. We ordered another 2 convertible car seats too...another huge expense, but necessary with my new job. We will probably alternate pick up and drop off, and most likely the person who drops off will not pick up too, so we'll need the two cars with the car seats.
I start my new job at Milton Academy as a College Counselor on Monday. I'm a ball of nervous energy. I was off this week, but have kept myself incredibly busy just doing errands and working on checking things off my very long to-do list. I did manage to go to Hull to the beach yesterday and had lunch with my dad. It was fun. I was at the beach by myself when I got there (before my dad arrived) and at first was thinking it was kind of nice to be by myself. But then I realized the tide was out and there were all these little pools of warm water that kids were playing in...the boys would have had a great time. So it made me sad they weren't with me. We might go back this weekend with them. We'll see.
Here are some fun pictures of the boys playing in their favorite new room!
Mi Adrian |
This is Sebastian, but both boys crawl over to the toy bins and pull things out. |
Adrian |
Sebastian |
I love this picture. |
Look how chunky their legs are!!! Sebastian on the left and Adrian on the right. |
Sebastian on his musical chair |
An emotional reunion waiting to happen. Adrian crawls at top speed to Lexi... |
Who jumps up on her sore legs to go kiss Adrian to death |
Wish this wasn't blurry... |
Adrian actually appeared to kiss Sebastian! |
And here it looks like he's biting him! |
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