Monday, April 22, 2013

Twins with the Runs, Ain't Much Fun...

What a long freaking week.  First of all the Marathaon bombings and all that drama, tragedy, and excitement.  Then the boys got sick last Wednesday with diarrhea and it's been on and off since then--almost a week!!  It was light enough at first that I kept thinking they were over it.  Thursday I took the day off to stay with them, Friday we sent them to daycare but my mom and I switched cars just in case the daycare called to go get them.  That way my mom could get them.  I got all the way to school and then received a phone call, email, and text message from Milton that they had canceled school for the day (due to one of the bombers being on the loose).  So I turned around and went home.  I left the boys at daycare so I could get some stuff done.  I ended up doing very little and mostly watching TV all day as the drama unfolded in Watertown, pretty near our old condo.  At around 2:30 I got a call from the daycare that both boys had diarrhea again.  They told me it was definitely going around the daycare but that it seemed to be just a 24-hour bug.  In fact, none of the kids had fevers or any other symptoms--just diarrhea.  I was optimistic that the boys would be fine by the end of the weekend.

Well, it continued all weekend--to varying degrees, and was a huge mess on Sunday evening.  We ended up changing a very soupy, messy diaper in the back of the van in the Target parking lot...luckily I had extra clothes because it was all over everything.  We got home and he had 3 more episodes and Sebastian had one or two as well.  I was so frustrated!!!!  It was getting worse, not better!

So....of course I'm super busy all day at work now with meetings with juniors.  It's embarrassing when you're meeting all day with students who don't know you that well yet and you cancel on them.  I don't want to get a reputation for the college counselor who is never there.  Plus we have 8 45-minute periods and a 45-minute Activities period (so basically 9 periods a day).  That's a lot of meetings to cancel and a lot of kids to potentially piss off.  Oh well.  I do my best.

Today my mom came and took care of the boys in the morning and Carlos took half a day sick time.  They were pretty good by evening tonight, so we're going to try daycare again in the morning.  If they are sick, Carlos will leave work and get them.  If they are still sick on Wednesday, I will take the day.  And I'll take the day again Friday if necessary.  Thursday will be a problem...Carlos only has 4.5 sick days left and accrues them at a very slow pace, so this is not at all convenient that they have been sick so many days in a row.  We have got to get a break with the sickness!!!  I thought we were due for better days when the boys got the tubes.  The good thing about ear infections was that at least you could give them the antibiotic and send them off to daycare!

Anyway, I'm hoping life will return to normal--whatever that is because I'm really not sure anymore--soon!!  I have a stiff neck from the stress and I'm exhausted because I woke up at 3am yesterday thinking about how we'd get through the week if they continue with the diarrhea.

Here are some funny pictures of Adrian...they cheer me up!  (Sebastian was not in the mood for posing...)
This is what Adrian does when you say, "Kiss, kiss!"

This is how Adrian thinks his helmet should be worn.

His second attempt wasn't much more successful!

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