Saturday, June 15, 2013

Crazy Week

Well, it's been an eventful week.  I'm ALMOST done with work.  I have to go Monday and then have most of the rest of the summer off, with a few things to do for work here and there.  Friday morning I took Adrian to the pediatrician because I suspected he had an ear infection (even with the tubes it's still possible to get them.  They are just supposed to be less frequent, less painful, and less hard to treat).  Before the appointment I took him to Honey Dew for two chocolate donut holes.  He was so good...there were no high chairs so he sat like a big boy on the bench and quietly ate his donut holes at my side.  It was a wonderful bonding moment, and I loved it.  I couldn't get him to look at the camera because he was fascinated with some old retired dudes sitting just out of camera range.  He seemed to want to join their group instead of sit with his mom.  Puppy enjoyed the donut holes as much as Adrian; he finished spotted with chocolate!  :(

At night, I took pictures of them eating--again.  It's the only place lately that I can capture them because they move so much that all the pictures come out blurry!  They were eating quesadillas and yogurt.  Yummy!

And lastly, a video of the cavemen that live in my home...they make me so proud sometimes...(yikes)

We're headed to Hull tomorrow for Father's Day.  Should be a good time with the boys!  I'm looking forward to it.  Carlos has to put the grill we got my dad for his birthday together, and we have to put the ACs in his windows.   I hope it doesn't rain in the looks like we have a leak in the roof!!!  It seems to be coming in around one of the roof vents.  Hopefully that's an easy fix...I went up in the crawl space for a minute today, but it was hard to get around.  There is a TON of insulation, and I had only a very weak flashlight.  I couldn't see any moisture, but the wood around the vent is black and it looks to be just the right place for where the ceiling seems to be soft (in the master bedroom).  Oh boys.  It's always something!!!

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