Thursday, March 27, 2014

More Vacation Fun

Monday I took the boys to Carlos's office in Framingham to see him and his colleagues.  They had fun running around the conference room Carlos reserved and flirting with all the ladies.  They especially loved "Mouse" a.k.a. Mary Luz.  Carlos's boss also brought her twins by (5 year-old girls) and the four of them played for a few minutes before we had to leave...because the boys were exhausted.

Here they are asleep in the car on the way home. I took the long way (through Boston) home to give them time to sleep.

Tuesday morning I took the boys to Jungle Jake's in Pembroke.  I mostly just wanted to see what the place was like so I'd have a point of comparison with Imagination Island and Kidsports (in Stoughton, which I have yet to go to).  It was clean and had different stuff than Imagination Island.  I'd say this is better for older kids, but they have a great toddler area, too.  I paid $20 for the two of them to basically play for an hour and a half with the cozy coupes!  That was really all they were interested in!  And they just got in and out of them over and over and over again.  They didn't even move around in the cars.  At least they had fun!

In the afternoon we went to Frothingham Park, but it was frigid.  We stayed only about 15 minutes.

Wednesday we dodged a hell of a snow storm, but it was windy windy windy outside all day.  That kept us inside except for a short drive.  The boys played play-doh and then cars and trucks pretty much all morning.

This next lousy photos is really just to show Adrian's "family."  He had Papa, Mama, Adi, Sebastian, a bunny, a snake (?), and a star.

Today we went to the Easton Children's Museum.  It's a great place, and so close!  I think we may have to consider getting a membership.  We could send Natalie with them once a month or so...and they have story hour and other fun events every week as well.  Something to think about...

 The boys like dancing on the stage.  There is a camera and a TV set up so they can see themselves.  Very cute set up.

This afternoon we played outside for a bit.  But again, it was pretty cold.  After a while we came in and had snacks and watched "McQueen."  The boys never want to take off their "Nana hats."  You may have noticed, Adrian wore his the entire time we were at the Children's Museum today.  He wouldn't take it off!

 One more day of vacation with the just the boys.  Then the weekend.  How time flies.  Love them so much.

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