Tuesday, June 17, 2014

"Bastian and Adi Funny!"

The boys constantly declare themselves funny.  Everything is "Adi funny!"  "Bastian funny!" Or in Spanish, "grass-oh-so" (should be "gracioso").  Most of the time what they think is funny is decidedly NOT funny:  throwing their plate or their milk, hitting each other, kicking each other, slapping mama...bedtime in particular has NOT been fun lately.

The other day I hit my head on the stair railing.  I was rubbing my head in pain.  Both boys came over and offered hugs and kisses to make me feel better.  Sebastian said, "Kiss it?" and kissed me on the head.  Then he rubbed it for me.  The best part, though, was he turned to the railing and yelled at it.  He said, "NO.......this."  (He didn't know the word for railing/banister so he used "this.")  "Be nice to mama.  Enough!!!!"  I nearly died it was so cute.

I have been playing the song "Stay with Me" by Sam Smith on my iPhone.  I like that song.  Sebastian started to sob and said "Mama, song make me sad."  I was amazed he could pick up on the tone of the song!  I'm so pleased the kid has a heart.

Adi snuggled with me last night on my bed.  He puts his face right up to mine and then stroked my cheek, nose, and eyes.  He was gentle (for once he didn't slap me).  He says, "Love you, mama" and then asks me to make his puppy kiss his face, ears, knees, piggy toes, etc. 

They drive me mad sometimes, but they do make up for it many times over!

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