Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Father's Day Weekend

We had a lovely Father's Day weekend.  Carlos's present was his Mexico World Cup shirt.  Three out of the four of us wore our Mexico shirts Saturday morning to breakfast.  Adi wore red, white, and blue for USA.  My dad treated us to The Farmer's Daughter in Easton Center.  It was delicious--everything is locally sourced and fresh.  But pricey!

I made the boys smoothies for lunch and they had fun making mustaches on themselves.

After naps, we took a lap around the neighborhood.  Adi's poor little truck is so slow.  But Carlos found new decals for it on eBay so that it at least looks better than it did.  I like how in these pictures Puppy is in Adi's hand.

In the afternoon on Saturday we went to Mini's and had orange cupcakes.

Then we got our feet wet in Mini's pool.

 We rearranged the playroom.

Sunday we went to Hull to visit Grumpy.

Sebastian got cold pretty quickly and spent most of the time wrapped "like a burrito" in his towel snuggling with Grumpy.

Adi spent the time "in the sandbox." Ha!

In the afternoon we had more cupcakes out on the porch.

The boys drove their Flintstone cars.

And then we had loads of fun with soda cartons....who would have thought?

Lastly, Monday when I got home, Sebastian wanted to play Thomas in his house outside.  It was cute.  He kept lining up the trains anywhere he could.

Alas, Adi kept interfering with Sebastian's play by either getting in the way, taking over his space, or throwing the trains.  It's been rough lately...the boys do NOT listen and they constantly throw, hit, slap, push, and whatever else they can.  I find it hard to discipline because as I am trying to deal with one, the other is getting into trouble.  I never can quite get the time I need with one to deal with the issue.  I'm particularly frustrated when I'm alone at bedtime.  They just don't want to settle down.  They barely read books with me anymore because they'd prefer to try to jump on the bed.  I'm afraid they are going to get hurt with all the running around they do.  And, the worst part is the routine brings out the worst in me--I get cranky and mean and yell too much.  And yet it has no effect.  I'm at a loss.  My hope is they outgrow it soon.

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