Once again, not much energy after a long day. I don't feel like typing up narration! Most of the pictures are self explanatory!
The only way I can get Adi to eat fruit is in a smoothie. And he'll only drink smoothies out of a big boy cup so that he can give himself a mustache.
The night these pictures were taken, Sebastian ate three cheese sticks. That from a boy who hardly ever touches cheese sticks. All of a sudden he can't get enough. I think he probably would have eaten 10 if I'd let him that night.
Sebastian loves his McQueen car so much...he's a great driver.
I found this Red Sox hat at Milton. I took it home and washed it and gave it to Sebastian. He didn't take it off that day...He still likes his Mexico hat the best, though!
What a goofball!
This was his reaction when I asked him to smile...
We hit some yardsales Saturday morning. First we got them a new water table. It was so cheap I know I can resell it for AT LEAST what I paid for it. I watch the prices on these things on the online yardsale groups on Facebook. But we also bought another train table and a really nice Brio train set at a Daycare that was closing/going out of business. We really only wanted the trains but they were selling it all together. No matter, the table is exactly the same style as the one we have, but the top was in better shape. But our base is more stable. So we put the new top on the old base. We'll sell the second table. Was very much worth the price, even though now we have two train tables. Again, I can sell them. Project for the summer...
When we got home, Sebastian got right to work lining up all the trains and accessories.
On a random note, Saturday I harvested broccoli from the garden. We roasted it with cauliflower (from the store--my garden cauliflower is almost ready to harvest, though) and parmesan cheese. Delicious! We also planted a few more things this weekend after harvesting the broccoli and all the kale: canteloupe, eggplant, thyme, spearmint, taragon, serrano peppers and habanero peppers. Those were all from seedlings, unfortunately. I'm also recently planted (from seed) carrots, basil, dill, and cilantro. We had mint and oregano in a garden when we moved it, and a sage plant I bought last year survived the winter. So we have tons of herbs we'll be able to try eventually. Yeah!!!
Saturday we had a birthday party to attend at Colt State Park in Bristol, RI. What a beautiful little town!!! I can't believe I'd never been there before. I want to go back when the boys are bigger and walk around. It looks like Hingham or Newport, but seemed nicer somehow. The state park was gorgeous, too. Views of the ocean from the site the party was at. We got there right as the party was supposed to start and were the first to arrive (even before the hosts--this was a Latino party) so the boys played with their baseball and bat and their spiderman ball from Kitchen.
At the party, Adi ate 3 pieces of pizza (!) and was a bottomless pit for chips and Doritos.
The boys had fun running around with the other kids.
When we got home, they played with their new water table. They LOVED it.
We had salmon, broccoli/cauliflower, and corn on the cob for dinner. The boys had a good time trying to eat the corn off the cob. Adi enjoyed it!
Until some corn got stuck in his teeth...
But it didn't stop him from getting right back at it!
Today my friends Charlie and Kelly and Kelly's 6-month-old Bobby came to visit. The boys really enjoyed playing with Bobby. Sebastian in particular was all over him. Bobby was a good sport.
Carlos bought some rope and "fixed" the swing. Somehow the swing slings that support the cushion seem to have been thrown away when we were cleaning out the garage. Major bummer. But this worked quite well--at least for now.
In the afternoon we went to Mini's house to swim. Adi loved his Buzz swim suit and got into the froggy without much of a fight. Sebastian didn't initially like his Buzz suit, but gave in. But he wouldn't get in his tiger so he could float with Adi. Oh well.
Mini put out a paintbrush and a bucket of water so they could "paint" her bricks. They loved that!
And they were asleep by 6:40. Nice!!!!!!!!
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