The past few days have been a blur, to say the least. I don't think I've slept more than 4 hours since Adrian came home--he is just NOT a happy camper when you put him down to sleep at night. It actually sounds like he's gagging and he makes noises that make me think it's reflux keeping him up. He's impossible to burp and he spits up occasionally. I've done everything I can think of and also stuff I found online to try to get him to sleep and/or alleviate his reflux. I elevated one side of the mattress. I keep him upright after feedings. He's already on Prilosec, so I'm not sure why that's not helping more, or why the problem seems to be so much worse at night. Today I'll try the Moby sling to carry him around since he likes to be held so much. Now I really know why Marcy called him another body part--he's sitting on my lap as I type this with one hand!!! Not very efficient! If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, or experience with this, let me know?? I'm desperate and feel unsettled without him sleeping because I can't continue without sleep listening to his agonizing noises at night. Maybe it's just what he does for attention and isn't reflux at all...?
Papi with his 2 boys |
Adrian looks like an angel in these pictures...
This is what he did when I told him it was bedtime! |
Yesterday it was so nice we went for a walk downtown. The boys loved it. So did I--I'm stir crazy!!
Adrian in his car seat/stroller |
Sebastian |
Is he not falling asleep or not staying asleep?
I haven't had such small babies, but Aniston definitely had the hardest time falling asleep of all my kids. She also had the most unsettled stomach (still does, ha ha)and was a major spitter-upper. For her, I had to nurse her to sleep, then put her to sleep on her stomach, then turn her to her side once she was deeply asleep. Once I got away from nursing her to sleep at about 6 weeks, we would still have to put her to sleep on her stomach and pat her back with slower and slower pats. Once she was deeply asleep, we would turn her to her side. (She didn't like being swaddled... I can see why now... she likes to sleep with all her limbs spread out!) For daytime naps, she spent a lot of time in her swing because it was the only way I could get her deeply asleep. I'd leave her in the swing with it on for about 30 minutes and then turn it off and she'd sleep 3 hours.
Camden had no problem at night, but for his third daytime nap (the 6-7pm one), he had to be in the swing with the vibration on. For some reason, his stomach was really unsettled at that time.
Elsie and Poem were both put to sleep on their stomachs. Oops.
If he's falling asleep, but not staying asleep, I don't know what to say.... I'm awful at doing anything to help my babies overcome that, but thankfully they have all grown out of it by now.
My mom had a helper from the Philippines that would almost violently swing Aniston back and forth in her arms until she went to sleep, then Ana would magically sleep for unusually long stretches of time. We called it "the hex". You might just have to figure out what gives Adrian the hex.
But, while they are this little, don't expect too much. They just have to eat so often that a stretch of sleep longer than 3 hours gets them so hungry that they'll overeat and then get a bad tummy ache. So it's a catch-22. You get excited to sleep for a whopping 4 hours, but the baby is miserable. But don't worry... once they get to 10 or 12 pounds, it's not an issue any more. Then they get new issues. :)
Also, pay attention to how long after eating that he gets uncomfortable... it'll help you figure out if it's burping or gas (gas is best relieved with bringing their knees up to their stomach while they are on their back)... and if it makes a difference if he nurses or bottle feeds. Also, stay off of dairy and spicy foods for a few days and see if that makes a difference.
Oh, I just remembered something the nurses in New Zealand did-- they gave me a long tube filled with rice or wheat or barley and something fragrant that was probably lavender that they would microwave lightly and then lay on top of the baby's stomach. You could make one with a long sock. Camden loved it. It was nice and heavy and it really helped him settle down, especially when he was in his carseat or swing.
Good luck! Email or call if you are up in the night and can't sleep. Adrian may just be a noisy, fussy sleeper, which you have exactly 18 years to cure-- meaning, before he goes to college and has roommates. :)
You are so great. Your boys are so lucky to have such a conscientious, loving mom.
Hi Amy! Congrats on having both babies at home! Here are a few things to try. If he has bad reflux, have you tried sleeping him in his car seat, where he is completely upright? I know a few friends that did that. Another suggestion is the swing. The motion would get the babies to sleep and I'd fall asleep on the couch next to them! I also got a book and a CD called the happiest baby on the block. The book was great because it gave great tips on how to soothe a baby, which worked great for Lilly, but not Kenley. The CD had all kinds of crazy sounds on it, but they sound like what the baby hears in the womb. It helped them with sleeping.
You just have to keep trying a number of things to figure it out. Once they are around 12 - 15 lbs, they will sleep MUCH better! And this does pass. This is the hardest part. Once you get through this, its much easier!!! And yes they get new problems, but it's easier to cope because you will be sleeping more. Good luck!!!
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