Yesterday, Adrian had a few more chokes for his girlfriend Marcy. Nothing too bad, I guess, but obviously the issue was not completely resolved. So once again, Marcy saved the day and got the nose, throat, ear, whoever-they-are people to come look at Adrian. They swaddled him and stuck a scope down his throat to see what was going on. Judy told me last night that he was a good sport and took it like a champ. Unfortunately, he's used to being poked and prodded by now. Anyway, they found two things, both of which are common and minor and can be addressed.
First, he has a mild case of laryngomalacia, which is essentially a weak epiglottis. Here is more information since I am not versed enough myself to try to explain it.
They also found signs of reflux, which apparently often goes hand-in-hand with laryngomalacia.
So, what does this mean? Basicially, they are giving him Prilosec with his bottle to treat the reflux and feeding him very carefully. The laryngomalacia should resolve itself with time. And, we think he may be able to come home Monday if all goes well. He did a little choking this morning for Marcy, but he didn't drop his heart rate and his oxygen saturation levels were fine. So that kind of choking is not ideal, but also shouldn't keep him in the hospital. Carlos and I have to learn from the nurses how to pace him and feed him to minimize his discomfort and sputtering.
So, all-in-all, I feel good. They've examined everything surrounding the problem and we have all the info we need now. After our experience at Mt. Auburn the other day, I'm grateful that they were able to address these things in the NICU instead of making me cart both boys to Children's or wherever once they are home.
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