Monday, May 12, 2014

What Will They Say Next?


After seeing the ocean from the car:  "Water!  Go in it?"

As he was holding his baseball this morning: "No throw the ball inside.  Outside.  Hit Nanny's car????"

"No put it in mouth, Baby James!" when Baby James ate his Thomas the Train car.

"Go to gym and run around?  Miss Sandi?  Basketball?"  After spending the afternoon at Milton on Friday


"Skippy John Jonezzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!"

"The fan is broken, Mama."  First thing after waking up and discovering the ceiling fan was off.

"Lie down and do night-night, Mama?" while putting his head on my pillow.

Holding two puppies, "This clean puppy.  This puppy dirty!"

Adi is definitely talking more--he says funny stuff, too.  Unfortunately, I don't remember as much from him right now!

The other day, the boys had a funny interaction.  Adi yelled "Bastian stinky!"  Sebastian answered, "Adi poo poo!"  And so the insults begin...

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