Friday, May 9, 2014


Last weekend was all about playgrounds.

Saturday we were naughty and skipped music class.  It was a gorgeous day, and I just couldn't stomach the thought of going.  I hate it with a passion, and it brings out the worst of the boys (at least when I'm there).  We ran errands instead and made up for how busy last weekend was (we got nothing done).  Saturday afternoon, we checked out the new playground in Bridgewater near my mom's house.  The boys liked it.  It was so chaotic there, though.  It was crowded because it's still so new and such a novelty.  The structures are actually enormous--maybe too big for the boys when it's so crowded because you lose track of them and then it's hard to get from one side to another.  Sebastian fell on the slide (because he was being naughty and trying to climb up it) and got a bloody nose, so that was our cue to leave after like 10 minutes!  We'll go again when there aren't so many people.  I can't stand being around too many people at once. 

Sunday we took the boys to the playground in Easton in the afternoon and stayed there quite a while.  They played on the playground, but the highlight was that each of us found something at the playground that we took home with us.  First, I found $5 on the ground!  Score!  Then Carlos found a pair of like-new sunglasses for the boys.  Then Sebastian found a baseball, which he carried around with him for the rest of the day.  Then we took a walk over to the baseball fields to see if we could find another one for Adi.  We didn't find a baseball, but a golf ball instead.  He loved the golf ball and we played catch for a while with all the balls.  I was just praying they didn't bean each other, themselves, or one of us with the balls. 

On an unrelated note, my colleagues and I took a walk yesterday through the Milton Cemetary, which is right near Milton Academy.  It's a beautiful spot.  We happened across some geese with their babies.  They were fuzzy and adorable! (Too bad you can't really see them in my picture)  Finally spring is here!

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