I've wanted a lemon tree for the longest time. My cousin "Kitchen" and Auntie Carol had one, and it produced the most beautiful Meyer lemons. However, the trees are expensive, and I was afraid I'd kill a small lemon tree plant (the reasonably priced ones). I am terrible with plants and flowers. (Although I do better with them when they are outdoors. I took care of the garden in Watertown, and it did just fine!)
One day last summer, however, we found a Meyer lemon tree at Market Basket. It was a decent size and only $17 bucks, I think. We brought it home.
Well, there are lemons all over it now, and it goes through phases where the flowers smell so nice! I love this little tree! I will admit that Carlos waters it and takes care of it, which is probably why it has survived. But I'm so glad we have it. I hope these little lemons develop into big, edible ones someday soon!
My photos suck, as always. Sorry!
The tag on the tree said it could stay in this pot, but what do you think? Time to move to something bigger? I really really really don't want it to die!
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