Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day!

Before I get to the snow day today, just a few other pictures I forgot to upload.  I also have some on my "nice" camera that I still have to upload, but I'll do that later!

Here are the boys reading on the kitchen floor while I make dinner.  They are so serious about their reading!

The boys went to visit Mini with Carlos last weekend when I was at the Food Bank with my Milton Advisees.  They came home with "Mini's Monkey."  Adrian loves to wrap it around himself.

I gave the boys tattoos, and they were fascinated with them.  Adrian kept making me roll up his sleeve so that he could look at it and/or show it off.  He had a frog and Sebastian had a turtle.

Ernest also really liked Sebastian's tat.  I think he was jealous.

So, today we got about 5 inches of snow.  It wasn't that bad of a storm, but it came at just the right time for us not to have school.  It snowed almost all day, from 3-4am until 4pm.   We were inside all morning, and the boys were awful.  They are generally really pretty good, so when they are bad, I feel it.  They were cranky, tired, fussy, bored, and not able to focus on anything.  They were hitting, throwing, climbing, and pushing ALL my buttons.  Adrian has been a fussy pain in the butt lately, but today he was actually pretty good (except for poking me in the face and yelling "STICK!!"  I don't know where he got that from!?).  Sebastian has been an angel lately, but today the Satan Swirl won out...he was bad enough for both boys.  After naps, things were slightly better.  Adrian woke first and we had some time together in the kitchen investigating different types of produce!  He particularly liked mushrooms...

Finally, after snack time, Carlos went out to plow (he was able to work from home, thank God) and we went out to play.  Luckily their snowsuits from last year still fit.  Their mittens kept falling off; they'd laugh and squeal when they touched the snow, and then they'd start to cry because it was cold!  I just kept putting the mittens back on! Next year I think they'll spend more time in the snow (and enjoy it more), and I'll invest in the mittens that you strap on.  But for today, we were fine with Nana's mittens.

They had fun "dusting" the snow off this bush.

 They actually didn't like sitting in the snow, and they didn't enjoy walking in it, either.  Too deep maybe?

Word has it we are in for another storm Sunday night into Monday.  I don't mind snow days because it doesn't affect when I get out of work.  I just hope that if we have another one, the boys are better behaved than they were today!  They really exhausted me with their antics...but I just went in to check on them in their cribs, and they were lying so angelically.  Love those boys!

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