Monday, July 8, 2013

Sunday Funday

Sunday was a great day!  We were in the middle of a heat wave, so everything was colored by the extreme heat and disgusting humidity.  First thing in the morning, we went to Panera to have breakfast. The boys shared a four cheese soufle and had some yogurt.  Yummy!

 Then off to Market Basket (per usual) where Adrian grabbed a fly swatter.

He's ready for battle

Then, it was off to Ikea for a second breakfast!  For a buck, we can afford a second one/snack for the boys!!

Then we were off to the children's section.  The boys ran full speed ahead to this room when they saw it and got busy playing in it.  They squealed (sort of like with the Stan Piggy at my Mom's) and had a great time pretending they owned the place.

Then, in the afternoon, we went to Casserta Pizza in Providence.  It was just too hot in the house to hang out there all day, and the boys were tired of the playroom area (since it was too hot to go for a walk or play outside).  Turns out, the boys LOVE Cassera pizza. They devoured over a piece each, plus some of a Wimpy Skippy.  They were well behaved, too.  :)

Like father, like son--look at their identical expressions!

Unfortunately, Pastiche was closed!  It looked like they were remodeling, maybe?  Oh well.  We were stuffed from the pizza anyway!

Lastly, just a funny story.  The boys pull these two figures out of the box of little people and say, "Papa!"  "Mama!"  I think it's hysterical that they think that these figures look like us and consistently call them by our name!  They kind of do look like us!!  I love those boys!

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